Barry : Sorry about that. So. What have you been up to?
Rachel : Oh, not much. I- I got a job.
Barry : Oh, that's great.
Rachel : Why are- why are you so tanned?
Barry : Oh, I, uh- I went to Aruba.
Rachel : Oh no. You went on our honeymoon alone?
Barry : No. I went with, uh.. Now, this may hurt.
Robbie : Me?!
Barry : No! I went with Mindy.
Rachel : Mindy?! My maid of honour, Mindy?!
Barry : Yeah, well, uh, we're kind of a thing now.
Rachel : Oh! Well, um.. You've got plugs!
Barry : Careful! They haven't quite taken yet.
Rachel : And you've got lenses! But you hate sticking your finger in your eye!
Barry : Not for her. Listen, I really wanted to thank you.
Rachel : Okay..
Barry : See, about a month ago, I wanted to hurt you. More than I've ever wanted to hurt anyone in my life. And I'm an orthodontist.
Rachel : Wow.
Barry : You know, you were right? I mean, I thought we were happy. We weren't happy. But with Mindy, now I'm happy. Spit.
Rachel : What?
Robbie : Me.
Rachel : Anyway, um, I guess this belongs to you. And thank you for giving it to me.
Barry : Well, thank you for giving it back.
Robbie : Hello?!
Barry : Sorry about that. So. What have you been up to?
미안. 그래서 어떻게 지냈어?
Rachel : Oh, not much. I- I got a job.
오, 별 일 없어. 나..나 직장 구했어.
Barry : Oh, that's great.
오, 잘됐네
Rachel : Why are- why are you so tanned?
왜.. 왜 태닝했어?
Barry : Oh, I, uh- I went to Aruba.
오, 난...난 아루바에 갔었어.
Rachel : Oh no. You went on our honeymoon alone?
오 세상에. 허니문에 혼자간거야?
Barry : No. I went with, uh.. Now, this may hurt.
아니, 난 어... 지금 아프게 할 지 몰라.
Robbie : Me?!
Barry : No! I went with Mindy.
아니! 민디랑 갔었어.
Rachel : Mindy?! My maid of honour, Mindy?!
민디? 내 들러리, 민디?
*maid of honour 대표 들러리
Barry : Yeah, well, uh, we're kind of a thing now.
응, 음, 어, 우린 지금 그런 사이야.
Rachel : Oh! Well, um.. You've got plugs!
오! 음.. 머리도 심었네!
*plugs (부족한 것을) 메우다
Barry : Careful! They haven't quite taken yet.
조심해! 완전히 자리잡지 않았어.
Rachel : And you've got lenses! But you hate sticking your finger in your eye!
그리고 렌즈도 했네! 하지만 당신 손가락이 눈 찌르는 거 싫어하잖아!
Barry : Not for her. Listen, I really wanted to thank you.
그녀에겐 아니야. 들어봐, 난 정말 너에게 고마워하고 싶어.
Rachel : Okay..
Barry : See, about a month ago, I wanted to hurt you. More than I've ever wanted to hurt anyone in my life. And I'm an orthodontist.
봐, 한달전쯤만 해도 난 너를 아프게 하고 싶었어. 내가 살면서 상춰줬던 어떤 사람들보다도 더. 그리고 난 치과 교정의잖아.
*orthodontist 치과교정의
Rachel : Wow.
Barry : You know, you were right? I mean, I thought we were happy. We weren't happy. But with Mindy, now I'm
happy. Spit.
니가 맞았다는 거 알고 있어? 내 말은, 내 생각에 우린 행복한 줄 알았어. 행복하지 않았잖아. 하지만 지금 민디랑 함께하는 나는 행복해. 뱉어.
*spit 뱉다
Rachel : What?
Robbie : Me.
저 말이에요.
Rachel : Anyway, um, I guess..uh.. I guess this belongs to you. And thank you for giving it to me.
어쨋든 ,음, 내 생각엔 이게 당신 것인 것 같아서. 그리고 나에게 이걸 줘서 고마워.
Barry : Well, thank you for giving it back.
음, 이걸 돌려줘서 고마워.
Robbie : Hello?!
'아는 것이 힘이다 > 프렌즈 대본' 카테고리의 다른 글
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