아는 것이 힘이다 367

[단어] sense

sense 감각, 판단, 분별, 느끼다, 감지하다 ex)Mina doesn’t have any dress sense. sensible 알아차릴 수 있는, 분별력 있는 ex)I think that’s a very sensible idea. insensible 알아차릴 수 없는, 무감각한, 인사불성의 ex)She drank herself insensible. sensibility 감각, 지각, 감수성, 민감성 ex)Sometimes I feel I lack sensibility. sensitive 민감한, 예민한, 감수성이 풍부한 ex)He is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. *be sensitive to A의 형태로 많이 쓰임

[단어] defect

de[아래]+fect[만들다] ☞만족할 수 있는 수준보다 아래로 만들어짐→결함, 결점 ☞생활수준보다 아래로 내려가게 되어 빠져나오다→탈주하다, 망명하다, 이탈하다 ex)I didn't know the defect when I purchased it. defective 결함있는 ex)The product I received is defective. defection 탈주, 망명, 이탈 defector 탈주자, 명망자, 이탈자 ex)There was no defector crossing the border yesterday.

[단어] host

host 어원 주인, 손님, 적군 host 주인, 개최하다 ex) This place is too small to host the event. hostess 여주인 host+ess(여자) hostage 인질, 볼모 ex) Five children were taken hostage during the bank robbery. hostile 적대적인 ex)She was openly hostile towards her friends. hostility 적개심 ex)There was open hostility between the two friends. hospitable 환대하는, 후한 ex)The people were very kind and hospitable. hospitality 환대 ex)Thank ..